What Should I do #5: Cloverfield.

I was hoping to make an announcement about something cool tonight, but I got caught up working on a project and I don’t have the energy to do it justice right now. Tomorrow for sure…

However, It’s been a little while since I’ve answered the perennial question, “What should I do until your next book comes out?” Luckily, a friend dragged me to see Cloverfield on Saturday, and a good time was had by all.

Am I saying you should rush out and see it? No. But I will say the following…

1. I very much enjoyed it.

2. I suspect that people will either love the movie, or hate it. I don’t think many folks will be in the middle.

3. I expect that people who like my book will have a greater chance of liking Cloverfield than the general population.


Hmmm… That’s hard to say….

You remember those SAT questions they used to give? Like this?

Apple is to Pie, as Nathan Fillian is to _____

A) More different pie.
B) Duck.
C) Firefly.
D) All of the Above.

I don’t do reviews because I detest spoilers. (Speaking of which, feel free to give your own opinions of the movie in the comments below, but I’m declaring it a strict spoiler free zone. Prosecutors will be violated.)

But while I don’t review, I can give you an impression of the movie using this SAT format.

The Wheel of Time is to the Name of the Wind, as King Kong is to Cloverfield.

Not entirely accurate, but I think it gives a general feel for the flavor of the movie.

Maybe it’s the sleep deprivation talking, but these word puzzles are kinda fun. Now I can see why they constantly gave us those tests. Here’s one you can finish on your own.

Kvothe is to Harry Potter, as _____ is to _____.

Oh yeah. This seems like a really funny idea right now, but I know as soon as I open my eyes tomorrow I’m going to cringe in anticipation of what’ll be waiting for me in the comments…

Night all,


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