Name of the Wind – Italian style.

So today is the day that the Italian version of The Name of the Wind hits the shelves. While we’ve sold the foreign translation rights in a lot of countries so far, this is only the second version to actually make it into print, so I’m still experiencing some of that giddy, newbie author joy over the whole things.

I don’t know if it’s significant that the book is coming out on leap day. Except I think it means this book will age more slowly than the other versions of my book, only getting one year older for every seven normal years.

Wait. Seven? No. Four. I was thinking of dog years….

Man. Now I’m wondering what would happen if a dog is born on leap day.

Okay. I can figure this out. I used to be good a story problems, and that was before I studied symbolic logic. Let’s see…

Given – one dog year is equal to seven human years.
Given – those born on leap day only age one year for every four calendar years.

If a dog was born on a leap day, after twenty-one calendar years, he would be:

A) 504 years old.
B) 36 years old
C) 42 years old.
D) Still bound by his duty.
E) Other

Anyway, back to the Italian translation. I haven’t actually seen the book yet. Not in a real-world sense. I got the editor to send me a nice picture of the cover, but it’s really not the same as holding a real book in your hands. It’s roughly the same difference as seeing baby pictures and holding a baby.

Anyway, here’s the cover. I think you’ll all agree that it’s a whole lot different than the US, UK, and Dutch covers that we’ve seen so far…

(As always, you can click the picture to embiggen it.)
I’m curious what y’all think of this cover, so feel free to drop a comment into the discussion below….

That’s all I’ve got for now. More news is on the horizon, so stay tuned.


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